

Abaqus is available on the cluster, but only to licensed groups. An example job file is below - you'd only need to change the 'ppn=' line (for number of cores), the wall time (or just delete it for the default run time of one week) and the job name to match your input files (down near the bottom, Job0012 in this example)

# First we have some directives to the queueing system. Must be in 
# the first block of comment lines. 
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l walltime=06:00:00
ulimit -l
# Make sure that we are in the same subdirectory as where the qsub command 
# is issued. 
# If you need to add anything to the library path...do it here.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/sw/materials/NAG/current/lib/
# Run the executable. *DO NOT PUT* a '&' at the end
#Run the program!
time /sw/mech_e/Commands/abaqus job=Job0112 cpus=$PBS_NP   mp_mode=MPI interactive
# End of script-file. 