Seminars & Workshops
CSC hosts occasional seminars and workshops. Below, you can find links to the materials presented in these events. If you would like to be notified of our future workshops, please sign up for our workshop mailing list here.
The Library also hosts free introductory coding workshops every quarter.
Winter 2025 Workshops
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) 2 (slide)
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) 1 (slide)
Winter 2024 Workshops
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) 1 (slide)
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) 2 (slide)
- Apptainer / Singularity Containers on the HPC (slide)
Fall 2023 Workshops
- Introduction to UCSB's Research IT Neighborhood (slides) - and (video)
- Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) (slides)
Winter/Spring 2023 Workshops
- Apptainer / Singularity Containers on the HPC (slides)
- Intro to Linux/HPC Slides (slides)
- Parallel Python Programming (slides)
Winter/Spring 2020 Workshops (schedule, descriptions)
- Intro to HPC - (slides) - and (video)
- Gaussian for ab initio Chemistry calculations (Kelly Peterson) (slides)
- Ansys Engineering and Design software (Alex Potts) (slides and video)
- Intro Lumerical FDTD workshop (Pavel Shapturenka ) (slides, video, other resources)
- . TBA Nautlius/Pacific Research Platform, GPU Computing with Kubernetes
Winter/Spring 2019 Workshops (schedule, descriptions)
- Intro to R (Center for Black Studies Research) - (slides)
- Introduction to rmarkdown (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis) - (slides) (github repo)
- Software Carpentry Workshop (Library) - (class pages)
- EcoDataScience workshop (NCEAS, Collaboratory) - (slides)
- Machine Learning with AWS Sagemaker - (class page)
Fall 2018 Workshops
- Basic Linux and HPC (Slides) (Video)
- R for Scientific and Data Intensive Computing (Slides) (Video)
- Python for Scientific Computing (Slides) (Video)
- Software Containers with Singularity (Slides)
- Intro to MATLAB (Slides) (Video)
- Intro to R - Women in Tech (Slides)
- Intro to AWS (Slides)
- Ansys (Slides) (Example File)
Spring 2018 Workshop
Big Data Science Workshop (slides, exercises, video)
- R for Scientific and Data Intensive Computing (slides, exercises)
- Python for Scientific Computing (slides, exercises)
- Software Containers with Singularity (slides, examples)
Fall 2016 Workshops
- Using VASP (Nov 29, 2016) (slides)
- Using Matlab on clusters(Nov 17, 2016) (slides, exercises)
- Using R on clusters (Nov 2, 2016) (slides, exercises)
- Basic Linux and HPC on CSC and XSEDE clusters (Seminars of Oct 11 and Oct 21, 2016) (slides, exercises)
- Computing resources at UCSB (Oct 2015) (slides)
- Big Data methods workshop (Feb 2016) (github repo containing the presented material)
- Big Data methods workshop (May 2017) (github repo containing the presented material)
Below are some of the materials that are presented in classes that CSC supports
- A very quick introduction to CUDA (slides)
- Introduction to the Triton Shared Compute Cluster (TSCC) (slides)
compute_resources.pdf2.23 MB
cuda-intro.pdf1.09 MB
usingr.pdf2.56 MB
usingmatlab.pdf831.36 KB
hpcintro_0.pdf1.37 MB
csc-2017-r.pdf1.87 MB
csc-2017-python.pdf288.12 KB
csc-2017-singularity.pdf358.01 KB
hfss_cem_overview.pdf2.25 MB
demo.aedt_.txt64.29 KB
intro_to_rmarkdown_jan_22_19.pdf63.91 KB
hpcintro_2020.pdf1.13 MB