Lumerical Software Site License


UCSB has a site license for the Lumerical suite of software, paid for by a combination of a number of research groups who use the software and the CSC.

The software is available to anyone at UCSB here (you'll need your UCSB NetID).  Please fill out the form to the right so that your computer can be enabled to access the license server!

To learn how to use it on the CSC clusters, click here.

We have a mailing list for local Lumerical usage, most of the traffic would be on license server issues, etc., but you're also welcome to use it to find other UCSB Lumerical users to tackle technical problems with. Sign up at with your UCSB e-mail address.

Support is provided via the Ansys Learning Forum .  With the login you create, you can also download software - or can via the links to the right.
