
Computing related resources for UCSB researchers.

Resources for high performance computing beyond UCSB

  • ​SDSC Triton under the Triton Shared Compute Cluster Program provided by Enterprise Technology Services (ETS). More information can be found here.
  • XSEDE (Contact the UCSB Campus Champion for access to XSEDE resources)
  • HPC@UC: A program for UC researchers provided by SDSC. More information can be found here.

Other computing related resources at UCSB

UCSB Research Computing and Data website - includes current list of resources around campus

Inventory of Research Computing Tools and Resources at UCSB

(e-mail us if you have other links that your fellow Gauchos might be interested in for research computing!)

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Other UCSB Research Computing Units



UCSB Storage Finder

  • For storage on the cloud, you can use Box through UCSB's agreement. Login with your UCSB Net Id to access Box.

Online Courses

  • For introductory video courses (C, C++, Python, R, Matlab etc.) you can use Login with your UCSB Net Id to access video lectures.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Follow this link to access AWS through UCSB's agreement.

External Links

  • Video Lectures from Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
  • Video Lectures from XSEDE.
  • Numerous example programs in C,C++, Fortran 90 and Matlab can be found from John Burkadt's website.