
CSC research acknowledged in publications and presentations.

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Use was made of computational facilities purchased with funds from the National Science Foundation (CNS-1725797) and administered by the Center for Scientific Computing (CSC). The CSC is supported by the California NanoSystems Institute and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC; NSF DMR 2308708) at UC Santa Barbara.

Selected Publications


Mechanisms of Asymmetric Membrane Formation in Nonsolvent-Induced Phase Separation
Garcia, J. U., Iwama, T., Chan, E. Y., Tree, D. R., Delaney, K. T., & Fredrickson, G. H. (2020). Mechanisms of Asymmetric Membrane Formation in Nonsolvent-Induced Phase Separation. Acs Macro Letters, 9, 1617\textendash1624.
Monomer Sequence Effects on Interfacial Width and Mixing in Self-Assembled Diblock Copolymers
Patterson, A. L., Yu, B., Danielsen, S. P. O., Davidson, E. C., Fredrickson, G. H., & Segalman, R. A. (2020). Monomer Sequence Effects on Interfacial Width and Mixing in Self-Assembled Diblock Copolymers. Macromolecules.
Multiplicity of dislocation pathways in a refractory multiprincipal element alloy
Wang, F., Balbus, G. H., Xu, S., Su, Y., Shin, J., Rottmann, P. F., et al. (2020). Multiplicity of dislocation pathways in a refractory multiprincipal element alloy. Science, 370, 95\textendash101.
N 2 Phos\textendashan easily made, highly effective ligand designed for ppm level Pd-catalyzed Suzuki\textendashMiyaura cross couplings in water
Akporji, N., Thakore, R. R., Cortes-Clerget, M., Andersen, J., Landstrom, E., Aue, D. H., et al. (2020). N 2 Phos\textendashan easily made, highly effective ligand designed for ppm level Pd-catalyzed Suzuki\textendashMiyaura cross couplings in water. Chemical Science.
A New Class of Roche Lobe\textendashfilling Hot Subdwarf Binaries
Kupfer, T., Bauer, E. B., Burdge, K. B., van Roestel, J., Bellm, E. C., Fuller, J., et al. (2020). A New Class of Roche Lobe\textendashfilling Hot Subdwarf Binaries. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 898, L25.
A new family of liquid and solid guanidine-based n-type dopants for solution-processed perovskite solar cells
Nakayama, H., Schneider, J. A., Faust, M., Wang, H., de Alaniz, J. R., & Chabinyc, M. L. (2020). A new family of liquid and solid guanidine-based n-type dopants for solution-processed perovskite solar cells. Materials Chemistry Frontiers.
A new software framework for implementing crystal growth models to materials of any crystallographic complexity
Zhao, Y., Tilbury, C. J., Landis, S., Sun, Y., Li, J., Zhu, P., & Doherty, M. F. (2020). A new software framework for implementing crystal growth models to materials of any crystallographic complexity. Crystal Growth \& Design.
Nitrogen pollution interacts with heat stress to increase coral bleaching across the seascape
Donovan, M. K., Adam, T. C., Shantz, A. A., Speare, K. E., Munsterman, K. S., Rice, M. M., et al. (2020). Nitrogen pollution interacts with heat stress to increase coral bleaching across the seascape. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 117, 5351\textendash5357.
Nitrogen-Doped graphene coated FeS2 microsphere composite as high-performance anode materials for sodium-ion batteries enhanced by the chemical and structural synergistic effect
Hou, T., Yue, S., Sun, X., Fan, A., Chen, Y., Wang, M., et al. (2020). Nitrogen-Doped graphene coated FeS2 microsphere composite as high-performance anode materials for sodium-ion batteries enhanced by the chemical and structural synergistic effect. Applied Surface Science, 505, 144633.
Non-unitary dynamics of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chains
Liu, C., Zhang, P., & Chen, X. (2020). Non-unitary dynamics of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chains. Measurement, 5, 15.
Numerical Simulation of Finite-Temperature Field Theory for Interacting Bosons
Delaney, K. T., Orland, H., & Fredrickson, G. H. (2020). Numerical Simulation of Finite-Temperature Field Theory for Interacting Bosons. Physical Review Letters, 124, 070601.
Operator L\ evy Flight: Light Cones in Chaotic Long-Range Interacting Systems
Zhou, T., Xu, S., Chen, X., Guo, A., & Swingle, B. (2020). Operator L\ evy Flight: Light Cones in Chaotic Long-Range Interacting Systems. Physical Review Letters, 124, 180601.
Ordering and Structural Transformations in Layered K x CrO2 for K-Ion Batteries
Kaufman, J. L., & Van der Ven, A. (2020). Ordering and Structural Transformations in Layered K x CrO2 for K-Ion Batteries. Chemistry Of Materials, 32, 6392\textendash6400.
Performing solvation free energy calculations in LAMMPS using the decoupling approach
Khanna, V., Monroe, J. I., Doherty, M. F., & Peters, B. (2020). Performing solvation free energy calculations in LAMMPS using the decoupling approach. Journal Of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 1\textendash6.
Structural coupling and magnetic tuning in Mn2- x Co x P magnetocalorics for thermomagnetic power generation
Levin, E. E., Bocarsly, J. D., Grebenkemper, J. H., Issa, R., Wilson, S. D., Pollock, T. M., & Seshadri, R. (2020). Structural coupling and magnetic tuning in Mn2- x Co x P magnetocalorics for thermomagnetic power generation. Apl Materials, 8, 041106.
Three-Magnon Bound State in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet α-NaMnO 2
Dally, R. L., Heng, A., Keselman, A., Bordelon, M. M., Stone, M. B., Balents, L., & Wilson, S. D. (2020). Three-Magnon Bound State in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet α-NaMnO 2. Physical Review Letters, 124, 197203.
Testing the Independence of Job Arrival Rates and Wage Offers
Braun, C., Engelhardt, B., Griffy, B., & Rupert, P. (2020). Testing the Independence of Job Arrival Rates and Wage Offers. Labour Economics, 101804.
Terminal capping of an amyloidogenic Tau fragment modulates its fibrillation propensity
Arya, S., Ganguly, P., Arsiccio, A., Claud, S. L., Trapp, B., Schonfeld, G. E., et al. (2020). Terminal capping of an amyloidogenic Tau fragment modulates its fibrillation propensity. The Journal Of Physical Chemistry B.
Towards efficient superconducting quantum processor architecture design
Li, G., Ding, Y., & Xie, Y. (2020). Towards efficient superconducting quantum processor architecture design. Presented at the.
Stochastic many-body perturbation theory for Moir\ e states in twisted bilayer phosphorene
Brooks, J., Weng, G., Taylor, S., & Vlcek, V. (2020). Stochastic many-body perturbation theory for Moir\ e states in twisted bilayer phosphorene. Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32, 234001.